Section: New Results

Speech analysis and synthesis

Participants : Anne Bonneau, Vincent Colotte, Dominique Fohr, Yves Laprie, Joseph Di Martino, Slim Ouni, Agnès Piquard-Kipffer, Emmanuel Vincent, Utpala Musti.

Signal processing, phonetics, health, perception, articulatory models, speech production, learning language, hearing help, speech analysis, acoustic cues, speech synthesis

Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion

The acoustic-to-articulatory inversion from cepstral data has been evaluated on the X-ray database, i.e. X-ray films recorded with the original speech signal. A codebook is used to represent the forward articulatory to acoustic mapping and we designed a loose matching algorithm using spectral peaks to access it. This algorithm, based on dynamic programming, allows some peaks in either synthetic spectra (stored in the codebook) or natural spectra (to be inverted) to be omitted. Quadratic programming is used to improve the acoustic proximity near each good candidate found during codebook exploration. The inversion [40] , [10] has been tested on speech signals corresponding to the X-ray films. It achieves a very good geometric precision of 1.5 mm over the whole tongue shape unlike similar works which limit the error evaluation at 3 or 4 points corresponding to sensors located at the front of the tongue.

Construction of articulatory models

Articulatory models are intended to approximate the vocal tract geometry with a small number of parameters controlling linear deformation modes. Most of the models have been designed on images of vowels and thus offer a good coverage for vowels but are unable to provide a good approximation for consonants, especially in the region of the constriction. The first problem is related to the nature of contours used to derive linear components. When dealing with vowels there is no contact between the tongue and other fixed articulators (palate, teeth). Factor analysis used to determine linear modes of deformation of the tongue only takes into account the influence of the tongue muscles. This is no longer the case with consonants, since a contact is realized between the tongue and the palate, alveolar ridge or teeth for stops /k, g, t, d/ and the sonorant /l/ in French. The deformation factors thus incorporate the “clipping” effect of the palate. Following the idea of using virtual articulatory targets that lie beyond the positions that can be reached, here the palate, we edited delineated tongue contours presenting a contact with the palate. We chose a conservative solution which consists of keeping the tongue contour up to the contact point and extending it while guaranteeing a “natural shape”. These new contours do not cross the palate for more than 10 mm. As such, this modification alone is not sufficient, because the number of images corresponding to consonants is small even if the corpus used in this work is phonetically balanced. We thus duplicated a number of consonant X-ray images in order to increase the weight of deformation factors corresponding to the tongue tip which is essential for some consonants, /l/ for instance. This approach provides a very good fitting with original tongue contours, i.e. 0.83 mm in average with 6 components over the whole tongue contour and only 0.56 mm in the region of the main place of articulation, which is important with a view of synthesizing speech.

Articulatory copy synthesis

Acoustic features and articulatory gestures have always been studied separately. Articulatory synthesis could offer a nice solution to study both domains simultaneously provided that relevant information can be fed into the acoustic simulation. The first step consisted of connecting the 2D geometry given by mediosagittal images of the vocal tract with the acoustic simulation. Last year we thus developed an algorithm to compute the centerline of the vocal tract, i.e. a line which is approximately perpendicular to the wave front. The centerline is then used to segment the vocal tract into elementary tubes whose acoustic equivalents are fed into the acoustic simulation. A new version of the centerline algorithm [53] has been developed in order to approximate the propagation of a plane wave more correctly.

The work on the development of time patterns used to pilot the acoustic simulation has been continued by improving the choice of relevant X-ray images and the temporal transitions from one image to the following. This procedure has been applied successfully to copy sentences and VCV for four X-ray films of the DOCVACIM database[52] . More difficult transitions, i.e. those corresponding to consonant clusters, will be investigated this year.

In addition to the control of the acoustic simulation we started an informal cooperation with the IADI laboratory www.iadi-nancy.fr in order to record better static images of the vocal tract, and cineMRI, i.e. films, for a number of sentences.

Using articulography for speech animation

We are continuously working on the acquisition and analysis of the articulatory data using electromagnetic articulography (EMA).This year, we have conducted research to use EMA as motion capture data and we showed that it is possible to use it for audiovisual speech animation. In fact, as EMA captures the position and orientation of a number of markers, attached to the articulators, during speech, it performs the same function for speech that conventional motion capture does for full-body movements acquired with optical modalities, a long-time staple technique of the animation industry. We have processed EMA data from a motion-capture perspective and applied to the visualization of an existing multimodal corpus of articulatory data, creating a kinematic 3D model of the tongue and teeth by adapting a conventional motion capture based animation paradigm. Such an animated model can then be easily integrated into multimedia applications as a digital asset, allowing the analysis of speech production in an intuitive and accessible manner. In this work [61] , we have addressed the processing of the EMA data, its co-registration with 3D data from vocal tract magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and dental scans, and the modeling workflow. We will continue our effort in the future to improve this technique.

Acoustic analyses of non-native speech

Within the framework of the project IFCASL, we designed a corpus for the study of French and German, with both languages pronounced by French and German speakers, so as to put into light L1/L2 interferences. The corpus was constructed to control for several segmental and suprasegmental phenomena. German and French, for instance, show different kinds of voicing patterns. Whereas in French, the voicing opposition of stops is realized as voiced versus unvoiced, in German, the same difference is realized mostly as unaspirated versus aspirated. Furthermore, differences between the two language groups are expected with respect to the production of nasal vowels (absent in German), the realization of /h/ (not present in French, but in German). On the suprasegmental level, word stress and focus intonation are central to our investigation. Speakers produce both native and non-native speech, which allows for a parallel investigation of both languages.

We have conducted a pilot study on the realization of obstruents in word-final position -a typical example of L1-L2 interference on the segmental level-, which are subject to devoicing in German, but not in French. First results showed that German learners (beginners) had difficulties to voice French obstruents in this context, and, when listening to French realizations, tend to add a final schwa to achieve the expected realization.

Speech synthesis

We recall that within the framework of the ViSAC project we have developed bimodal acoustic-visual synthesis technique that concurrently generates the acoustic speech signal and a 3D animation of the speaker's outer face. This is done by concatenating bimodal diphone units that consist of both acoustic and visual information. In the visual domain, we mainly focus on the dynamics of the face rather than on rendering. The proposed technique overcomes the problems of asynchrony and incoherence inherent in classic approaches to audiovisual synthesis. The different synthesis steps are similar to typical concatenative speech synthesis but are generalized to the acoustic-visual domain. This year we have performed an extensive evaluation of the synthesis system using perceptual and subjective evaluations. The overall outcome of the evaluation indicates that the proposed bimodal acoustic-visual synthesis technique provides intelligible speech in both acoustic and visual channels [22] . For testing purposes we have also added a simple tongue model that is controlled by the generated phonemes. The purpose is to improve the quality of the audiovisual speech intelligibility.

Morover, we perform feature selection and weight tuning for a given unit-selection corpus to make the ranking given by the target cost function consistent with the ordering given by an objective dissimilarity measure. To find an objective metric highly correlated to perception we analyzed correlation between objective and subjective evaluation results. It shows interesting patterns which might help in designing better tuning metrics and objective evaluation techniques [55] .

Phonemic discrimination evaluation in language acquisition and in dyslexia and dysphasia

We keep working on a project concerning identification of early predictors of reading, reading acquisition and language difficulties, more precisely in the field of specific developmental disabilities : dyslexia and dysphasia. A fair proportion of those children show a weakness in phonological skills, particularly in phonemic discrimination. However, the precise nature and the origin of the phonological deficits remain unspecified. In the field of dyslexia and normal acquisition of reading, our first goal was to contribute to identify early indicators of the future reading level of children. We based our work on the longitudinal study - with 85 French children - of [90] , [91] which indicates that phonemic discrimination at the beginning of kindergarten is strongly linked to success and specific failure in reading acquisition. We study now the link between oral discrimination both with oral comprehension and written comprehension. Our analyses are based on the follow up of a hundred children for 4 years from kindergarten to end of grade 2 (from age 4 to age 8) [98] .

Enhancement of esophageal voice

Pitch detection

Over the last two years, we have proposed two new real time pitch detection algorithms (PDAs) based on the circular autocorrelation of the glottal excitation, weighted by temporal functions, derived from the CATE [85] original algorithm (Circular Autocorrelation of the Temporal Excitation), proposed initially by J. Di Martino and Y. Laprie. In fact, this latter algorithm is not constructively real time because it uses a post-processing technique for the Voiced/Unvoiced (V/UV) decision. The first algorithm we developed is the eCATE algorithm (enhanced CATE) that uses a simple V/UV decision less robust than the one proposed later in the eCATE+ algorithm. We propose a recent modified version called the eCATE++ algorithm which focuses especially on the detection of the F0, the tracking of the pitch and the voicing decision in real time. The objective of the eCATE++ algorithm consists in providing low classification errors in order to obtain a perfect alignment with the pitch contours extracted from the Bagshaw or Keele databases by using robust voicing decision techniques. This algorithm has been published in Signal, Image and Video Processing, [14] .

Real-time pitch detection for application to pathological voices

The work first rested on the CATE algorithm developed by Joseph Di Martino and Yves Laprie, in Nancy, 1999.The CATE (Circular Autocorrelation of the Temporal Excitation) algorithm is based on the computation of the autocorrelation of the temporal excitation signal which is extracted from the speech log-spectrum. We tested the performance of the parameters using Bagshaw database, which is constituted of fifty sentences, pronounced by a male and a female speaker. The reference signal is recorded simultaneously with a microphone and a laryngograph in an acoustically isolated room. These data are used for the calculation of the contour of the pitch reference. When the new optimal parameters from the CATE algorithm were calculated, we carried out statistical tests with the C functions provided by Paul BAGSHAW. The results obtained were very satisfactory and a first publication relative to this work was accepted and presented at the ISIVC 2010 conference [79] . At the same time, we improved the voiced / unvoiced decision by using a clever majority vote algorithm electing the actual F0 index candidate. Recently Fadoua Bahja developed a new algorithm based on wavelet transforms applied to the cepstrum excitation. The preliminary results obtained were satisfactory and a complete description of this latter study is under a submission process in an international journal.

Voice conversion techniques applied to pathological voice repair

Voice conversion is a technique that modifies a source speaker’s speech to be perceived as if a target speaker had spoken it. One of the most commonly used techniques is the conversion by GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model). This model, proposed by Stylianou, allows for efficient statistical modeling of the acoustic space of a speaker. Let “x” be a sequence of vectors characterizing a spectral sentence pronounced by the source speaker and “y” be a sequence of vectors describing the same sentence pronounced by the target speaker. The goal is to estimate a function F that can transform each source vector as nearest as possible of the corresponding target vector. In the literature, two methods using GMM models have been developed: In the first method (stylianou,98), the GMM parameters are determined by minimizing a mean squared distance between the transformed vectors and target vectors. In the second method (kain,98), source and target vectors are combined in a single vector “z”. Then, the joint distribution parameters of source and target speakers is estimated using the EM optimization technique. Contrary to these two well known techniques, the transform function F, in our laboratory, is statistically computed directly from the data: no needs of EM or LSM techniques are necessary. On the other hand, F is refined by an iterative process. The consequence of this strategy is that the estimation of F is robust and is obtained in a reasonable lapse of time. Recently, we realized that one of the most important problems in speech conversion is the prediction of the excitation. In order to solve this problem we developed a new strategy based on the prediction of the cepstrum excitation pulses. Another very important problem in voice conversion concerns the prediction of the phase spectra. This study is under progress in the framework of an Inria ADT which began in September 2013.

Signal reconstruction from short-time Fourier transform magnitude spectra

Joseph Di Martino and Laurent Pierron developed in 2010 an algorithm for real-time signal reconstruction from short-time Fourier magnitude spectra [86] . Such an algorithm has been designed in order to enable voice conversion techniques we are developing in Nancy for pathological voice repair. Recently Mouhcine Chami, an assistant-professor of the INPT institute at Rabat (Morocco) proposed a hardware implementation of this algorithm using FPGAs. This implementation has been published in the SIIE 2012 conference [81] . Maryem Immassi, a PhD student of Mouhcine Chami, is comparing this algorithm with the state of the art RTISI-LA algorithm in the framework of a hardware implementation.

Audio source separation

Audio source separation is the task of extracting one or more target source signals from a given mixture signal. It is an inverse problem, which requires the user to guide the separation process using prior models for the source signals and the mixing filters or for the source spectra and their spatial covariance matrices. We studied the impact of sparsity penalties over the mixing filters [38] and we defined probabilistic priors [20] and deterministic subspace constraints [45] over the spatial covariance matrices. We also wrote a review paper about guided audio source separation for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine [28] .

This paper highlighted that many guided separation techniques now exist that are closer than ever to successful industrial applications, as exemplified by the ongoing industrial collaborations of the team. In order to exploit our know-how for these real-world applications, we investigated issues such as the impact of audio coding [59] , artifact reduction [21] , real-time implementation [62] , and latency [70] . Two patents have been filed [77] , [76] . We also started a new research track on the fusion of multiple source separation techniques [46] .

Finally, we pursued our long-lasting efforts on the evaluation of audio source separation by collecting the first-ever publicly available dataset of multichannel real-world noise recordings [71] and by conducting an experimental comparison of the two main families of techniques used for source separation [63] .